I’ve been feeling quite unhealthy for quite some time and while reading through Patty Laurel’s blog, I stumbled upon Juju Cleanse. It’s a cleansing / detoxifying take for us folks who eat anything from deep fried food to sweet chocolate delights. I decided to try out Juju Cleanse as I heard some great feedback around it, and out of curiosity as well. And I wouldn’t mind the health benefits that it’ll give.
I ordered a Level 2, One Day Juju Cleanse. I picked it up from their pick up place somewhere in New Manila area. It comes packed in a nice bag.

The juices below, numbered 1 to 6 from left to right.

The detox process is easy to follow.
There are set times that you would need to drink each bottle. The bottles are numbered so you wouldn’t be confused as to which one to drink. You can learn more about the drinks on their website.
Detox Adventure
My detox adventure started out on Saturday morning with a tea provided by the Juju Cleanse team themselves. Tastes really good. I was sipping it while I was still doing my early morning Saturday work.

Afterwards, on to drink #1 – which is just by looking at the color, is a concoction of various green veggies. I didn’t like this much. Perhaps I’m not a veggie lover as much as I thought I was. The last few gulps were the hardest. You just wonder why the bottle just doesn’t get empty! The bottles are huge by the way.

Drink #2 is the red giant. This wasn’t so bad, but be careful, it stains though.
Drink #3 again was the veggie concoction. For some reason, this third drink tasted much worst that the first one. Very difficult to finish.
Unfortunately for me, the days prior was hectic so I ended up sleeping pretty much the whole afternoon (catch up on sleep!), which meant, I skipped two drinks during my sleeping beauty time!! It’s so hard to catch up, especially if you need to drink the greens!
Take note though that at this point, it’s dinner time already, I wasn’t even hungry at all. And I was, surprisingly, feeling refreshed. I don’t know if it’s psychological or not. So far so good.
I ended up drinking another bottle, before I went back to sleep. To sum it all up, I only finished 4 of the 6 bottles. Too bad. I should’ve chosen a better date to do my cleansing. Lesson learned for me was that when you’re going to go on a strict regimen based cleansing diet, be sure you’ve had a good night sleep the previous night. But other than that, the following day, I wasn’t as hungry waking up, and I wasn’t feeling bloated like I have been the past weeks! I’m definitely going to try this one out again.