Out of boredom in the office, I was surfing through the web and found a pretty interesting article about George W. Bush. Seems that this guy's approval rating is dropping by the minute. I am no particular fan of American Politics, especially since our local politics is still much more disturbing. However, given than I am a fan of the financial market, and is keeping up with US market news, I just can't help but feel that the president has got some hand on the negative sentiments that is spreading through the market.
Random concerns aside, I found this article well written. Below is probably one of the best thoughts we, as Filipinos and human beings, can ponder on:
Here's an excerpt taken from
Rolling Stone's article:
"The Worst President in History?
One of America's leading historians assesses George W. Bush" Bush has more in common with post-1945 Democratic presidents Truman and Johnson, who both became bogged down in overseas military conflicts with no end, let alone victory, in sight. But Bush has become bogged down in a singularly crippling way. On September 10th, 2001, he held among the lowest ratings of any modern president for that point in a first term. (Only Gerald Ford, his popularity reeling after his pardon of Nixon, had comparable numbers.) The attacks the following day transformed Bush's presidency, giving him an extraordinary
opportunity to achieve greatness.Isn't it a shame that George W. Bush was not able to utilize this opportunity for him to achieve greatness? Back here in the Philippines, throughout its history, were we able to have a leader who was able to bring us up when there was turmoil and depression? In terms of the Philippine politics arena, either my history there is rusty or it's just that I can't think of one person right now while writing this entry.
On the other hand, on the business sector, I would probably mention PLDT's rise. I remember before, that PLDT had their fare share of losses, regular employee strikes, etc. But someone did make the turnaround (do we attribute this to MVP?), and look where it is now, PLDT's the most profitable company in Philippines to date.
I guess in reality, we all have our opportunities to shine. Troubled times does not mean that we do not have a choice. We have a choice whether to allow ourselves to be remembered with that dismal failure, or to allow ourselves to be remembered by how we overcame that obstacle.