Since I work from home almost 4x a week, I setup my own "workstation" at home! Not the best picture as I only used my camera phone for it. Anyway, about a year or so ago, I decided to buy a new 19 inch monitor so that I can work dual monitor - Laptop + Monitor. And then recently, I noticed that my brother has not been using his other 19 inch monitor for his desktop computer. That desktop has been out of order for quite a while so I decided to borrow that monitor, plus some other peripherals so that I can set up my new work area! Complete with 2 19-inch monitors, with keyboards, headset and mouse. He even suggested I also borrow is wireless mouse!
This setup is awesome. I can honestly say that I can do more work this time around! This setup is actually the same as how my workstation looks like when I'm working in Burnaby. I guess that's why I decided to set something similar because it really made a difference. Dual screens definitely increases productivity.
However when I'm in Manila office, there's a huge difference. Here, I only use my laptop, plus I have another desktop computer. Helps me with other work processing I need to do. Since these are separate computers, I use a tool called Synergy to sync up both machines. Meaning, I can use one set of mouse and keyboard (the one's in my laptop) to move the mouse and type on the other desktop machine! Helps a lot because you won't need to keep on switching mouse/keyboards all the time between those machines.
What I really want next is to have a better work table, work chair for my mini office at home. I did buy a nice desk around 2 years ago, but that one's stuck in my room. Ever since I started working from home, my brother moved to sleep at my room with my sister, and I ended up using his room as my mini office. Actually, my bro's the one who's making good use of my desk! I on the other hand, ended up with his old huge office desk, not really ideal for computer setup like mine.
That's it! Just wanted to show you, my readers, where I do most of my work!
your work area looks exactly the same as my work area here IN THE OFFICE! :)
what's the need for dual monitor? ganun ba talaga kadami work niyo? =(
@Elaine - it's more of the idea na it helps a lot with productivity. Let's say for example, you're reading some design document on one screen, the other one has your eclipse. No need to switch *alt tab* all the time! :)
haha sorry to but in:
ganon din ako, netbeans in one monitor, command line dun sa isa for watching logs/exceptions.
orrr.... internet dun sa isa while i'm googlizing stuff while programming.
yuck? haha!
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