Sunday, February 7, 2010

3rd time in vancouver

I'm finally back in Vancouver, third time around. I'm now staying at one of the homestays here... and I have a nice big closet and room. It's definitely a change from where I used to live. This time around, I'm paying more, but I get the comforts of having privacy. So far so good, though of course, some times I still think that I might have made a mistake. Living back in Fraser Street with my grandparents was nice too. But I guess at times we really do have to make a choice, and I made this choice to live separately from them in the mean time. And it's always a risk.

Anyway... let's see how I adjust further to this new place. It's been just 3 days. Let's see how it goes.

On a happier note, Olympic fever is hitting the city and I am excited as I'm planning to go walk around downtown this coming weekend with my aunt (and I'm staying overnight in Fraser). The opening is on friday night and there are tons of activities in downtown Vancouver! Can't wait! I'm already thinking of buying souvenir items! When's the next time I'll be in an Olympic city anyway?

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