Wednesday, January 27, 2010

jam packed weekend

It's ironic how I was just writing about my "relax" work days, when in just a few days after that, I ended up having an all-night-all-day work weekend.

We had a huge release last weekend and even during pre deployments, we already ran into a whole lot of different issues. That must've been a premonition because during the actual release night, we encountered this huge issue (something to do with caching). Luckily, we have great teammates who helped us out in figuring out what was wrong - we woke them up around 4 am in the morning :). And business gave us time to get it fixed before doing a rollback. Good thing we got that extra time as we finally got it to work!

I was awake friday to saturday morning (in Pacific time), and then had to support another release happening saturday night to sunday morning (in Pacific time too).

Crazy weekend, but in the end, we pulled thru. We have some production issues, but no showstoppers, which is a good thing. So in order for me to go back to relax mode, I had all my fixes fixed and deployed yesterday so that QA and UAT may test it and eventually we could get it redeploy and promoted to Production by next week.

What a weekend. I think it was only yesterday I caught up with sleep - I slept for 10 hours. :) I'm taking the day off this coming friday. I need to make some time for Chase this weekend. I haven't seen him for almost a week and half!

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