Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I find it annoying when people ask you something, you've already done it, and then you'd learn later on that they'd ask another one again to do it. I find it either a waste of my time, or even a lack of trust.

Take for instance what happened earlier.

My teammate has been asking me to ask our manager in Manila about the possibility of extending the vacation leave for onshore members. I did this. I sent an email, went online last night to try and catch her in communicator. Unfortunately, she didn't reply to either my emails or even my messages in communicator.

Ok so here's my teammate, asking me about that again. So I told him, I have asked, sent and email, but got no reply. But I assured him that I will followup.

Then the next thing I know, he goes and talks to my other team lead, asking her if she can ask our manager in Manila about the same thing he just asked me to do, and which I did!

The reason why I knew about it because this teammate of mine forwarded that inquiry to me. Asking me to do it.

Isn't that annoying? You do what you're asked to do. And it's not like it's my fault that I haven't gotten any response and yet, for some reason, I feel stupid that this teammate of mine don't have the trust to even consider my reply to him - that I'll followup on it again. Mababaw sa kung mababaw, pero it's definitely annoying.

You know, I don't mind if it's something that really needs to be confirmed or validated by another person. For example, I made a change in the code, we want someone to code review it for validation right? Or for newspapers, magazines, they usually have fact checkers for the articles written.

Maybe I'm just pissed off and stressed today. Perhaps, I wasn't in a good mood earlier that's why I'm pissed off over such a small thing.

1 comment:

vyki said...

mukhang stressed ka n nga bev! chillax lng :)