Saturday, August 6, 2011

Random Thoughts in YVR

After the exercising and diet for the past few weeks and months, I think I gained it all back in just a span of a week. Not that I’m complaining. My goal wasn’t to bloat this time around anyway.

On another note, we finally finished our July release last weekend. Finally!! Now I only have one project to look after instead of 2-3 all the at the same time. A huge sight of relief. Since last Monday, after around 2-3 PM, I no longer have much to do. I haven’t felt this way for a long time. It’s nice to finally get some much needed down time from work. And just in time for my return to Manila.

On top of the relaxed week I’ve had, I also got a lot of nice farewells from my teammates. My manager surprised me with this set of books as a going away gift. I remember back in Manila, we were talking about book and this was the series that he recommended to me. Now I have something to look forward to reading when I’m back.


I also had a lot of coffee and lunch/dinner out this week. Talk about overeating! Almost all of them were free meals, free coffee, free drinks. Lots of love going on around our team these days!

As I was walking home this afternoon, I just felt happy. Just happy. So happy, that for some unknown reason, I was drawn to going to the church, and just pray and thank the Lord for all the blessings he has showered upon me this past months. And I did. I a, very thankful because everything is from him. All the hardships, all the happiness all came from him. I’ve grown so much the past months, more contented too. I think the bad vibes are totally gone now.

One of the realizations I’ve had just in the past few days that I want to share is that, you can be “alone” but very happy and contented. It’s been a year, and well, I don’t think I’ve been happier. And when I was thinking about it, it’s because of the people around me and the things I did. I’ve met so much more people this time, I’ve done so many more different activities, and all these made me realize that I am very blessed, and there’s nothing more I can ask for. Maybe work took 70% of my time while I was here, but I realized too that I loooove my work and it makes me happy. This is one way of being happy – learning to identify the things that make us happy, and realizing its impact to us as a person.

I do hope that people realize this too, that we can be happy on our own. And I think in order to be un”alone”, we first have to start happiness within ourselves. And as I always say, good vibes, attracts good things.

And thus, I’ll be seeing you Manila in a few hours. Signing off from Vancouver airport.

1 comment:

vyki said...

well said, bev! we can be alone AND happy. :) altho I hope i could say as much abt my job as well, hehehe. :P